Kaitlyn Feiock, MPH
Health Management Associates
Indianapolis, IN
[javascript protected email address]
(317) 975-3041
As a health policy professional with expertise in Medicaid and commercial health insurance, Kaitlyn Feiock focuses on health program innovation, policy design and development, business intelligence, research and analysis, and implementation strategies. Her policy background is supported by operational solutioning and systems literacy, allowing her to translate policy across business areas, from defining executive level vision to establishing detailed program requirements. his scope of practice provides valuable support for implementations and unique insight and actionable intelligence on the impacts of state and federal initiatives.
Since 2010, Kaitlyn has been involved in designing and implementing Section 1115 Waivers, supporting state program changes, and implementing federal requirements under the Affordable Care Act. Kaitlyn has worked on systematic healthcare policy changes and in both the commercial insurance market and Medicaid. She has supported both Indiana and Kentucky in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) negotiations and securing approval to implement 1115 Waiver initiatives and most recently continues operational and program implementation support for Indiana’s Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning. This work includes support for the recently approved Workforce Bridge 1115 Waiver amendment and in the policy and operational response to COVID-19.
She was instrumental in developing and writing Section 1115 Waivers for the Healthy Indiana Plan including HIP 2.0 and the subsequent renewal waivers, Indiana’s End-Stage Renal Disease Waiver, the Workforce Bridge Amendment, Iowa Wellness Plan, Iowa Marketplace Choice Plan, and the Healthy Ohio waiver. She was the project lead for Indiana’s Medicaid Disability Eligibility Changes that transitioned the state from 209(b) status to 1634 status and supported development of Indiana’s 1915(i) Bureau of Primary Health Care program. Kaitlyn also led the Healthy Indiana Plan Alternative Benefit Plan state plan amendments for HIP Plus, HIP Basic, and three benefit designs for HIP Employee Link.
Kaitlyn conducted high-level requirements sessions for Healthy Indiana Plan implementations and facilitated Healthy Indiana Plan process and operational improvements, including development of rollover processes, client notice reviewing and updating, and identifying issues requiring further policy discussion and clarification and coordination with eligibility, MMIS and health plans. She was also the project lead for Kentucky HEALTH high-level requirements development and in this role assured accurate translation of policy into practice.
In addition to her work in Medicaid, Kaitlyn has significant experience with commercial insurance markets including options and impact analysis around federal and state-based marketplaces, essential health benefits analysis, and analysis and development of 1332 options including reinsurance, high-risk pools, subsidy redistribution and federal exchange alternatives.
She received her Master of Public Health from the Indiana University School of Medicine.