Our people make all the difference.
Bring together more than 700 of the most brilliant minds in healthcare, and you have enough combined expertise to tackle the most complex project or problem. Before joining HMA, our team members spent years as senior officials in Medicaid and Medicare, directors of large nonprofit and social services organizations, top-level advisors, C-level executives at hospitals, health systems and health plans, and senior-level physicians.
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No one knows publicly funded healthcare like the HMA team. Just ask our clients.
Consultant expertise is so important. It’s one of the things that impressed me with HMA, high level of expertise with government programs.
– HMA Client
Anything we’ve needed assistance with, we’ve been able to find expertise within HMA. It’s one of the reasons HMA is our go-to consulting firm.
– HMA Client
Our growing team allows us to offer even deeper expertise and expanded services.
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