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25 Results found.

Case Study

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare


A health plan with a newly awarded contract was entering a new market to provide long-term services and supports (LTSS) and was seeking required, nationally recognized accreditation in order to comply with the state contract requirements. The client was working against a short three-month timeline and needed document review, report analysis, policy and procedure development, and assistance preparing for the review and evaluation process to secure accreditation.

Download the read the approach and results.

Case Study

Evaluation of investment in multi-state personal care services provider for LTSS qualifiers


The client was evaluating an investment opportunity in a multi-state personal care services (PCS) provider for elderly and disabled Medicaid beneficiaries that qualify for long term services and supports (LTSS). HMA was asked to evaluate the market environment for personal care services providers in 13 states to determine the stability of the regulatory environment and the outlook for Medicaid funding. The timeline for this due diligence engagement was five weeks.

Download to read the approach and results.

Case Study

Individualized technical assistance to Medicaid providers in the My Health GPS program


The My Health GPS (MHGPS) initiative, a Health Homes program, was launched by the District of Columbia, Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) to deliver care coordination services to Medicaid beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions. The MHGPS program was led by multi-disciplinary teams within the primary care setting to coordinate care across medical, behavioral, and social service systems.

The initiative was designed to improve MHGPS enrollees’ health outcomes and reduce avoidable and preventable hospital admissions and emergency room visits.

Download to read the approach and results.

Case Study

Los Angeles County complex care management training for registered nurses


The client’s goal was to increase and enhance leadership skills and critical thinking approaches as well as increase chronic disease expertise of the 100 Registered Nurse (RN) Care Managers in the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (LACDHS) ambulatory care system through training, standardized complex care management (CCM) across the county, hiring new care managers and integration of care management software.

Download to read the approach and results.

Case Study

Collective Impact Evaluation of Aging in Place, Aging in Community Strategic Plan


The Challenge:
WEHO initiated the development of a five-year strategic plan – Aging in Place, Aging in Community (AIP) – to help the city evolve as a community where aging is embraced and where people can remain in the housing of their choice for as long as possible. The city’s strategic plan built on the city’s existing policies and programs, such as arts and cultural events, lifespanfriendly housing, senior services, and other approaches to wellness, while responding to the demographic trend of people living longer and living independently in their homes. West Hollywood is home to LGBTQ community members; long-term HIV survivors; Russian-speaking emigrants, many of whom are 80 and 90 years of age; Baby Boomers reaching retirement age;
and a large population of single head of household families. As a caring and supportive city, demonstrated by 31 years of proactive and progressive policies and services, it was important to WEHO to be able to measure their progress in this work.

WEHO needed an evaluator to create and implement an evaluation plan to determine whether the investments into the initiative were resulting in the desired changes. WEHO engaged HMA Community Strategies (HMACS) to advise on advanced evaluation planning during the completion of the strategic plan, and then contracted HMACS for the full evaluation to measure the impact of the strategic plan across the community.

Case Study

Evaluation Tools Help Non-profit Find its Place in Healthcare Landscape


About The Client
GTECH Strategies is a Pennsylvania-based non-profit which works in communities to mobilize residents,
local policy-makers, and like-minded organizations to transform vacant spaces into thriving and usable

The Challenge
As a unique non-profit locally and nationally and with dual investment in people and places (individual
empowerment and environmental improvement), GTECH Strategies has been on the cutting edge of
bringing two distinct factors of community health together. However, being a bridge between two related
but siloed factors of community health is challenging and raised important questions for GTECH internally
regarding shared impact across programs and where to focus strategic planning efforts in the future. As
a non-health entity, GTECH found it challenging to understand its role in health and how to be prepared
to partner in the health eco-system. Leaders were eager but unsure of the best way to demonstrate how
their work and influence impacted something as broad as “community health.”

Case Study

RWJF Total Cost of Care Phase I Pilot Evaluation


The Client
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)

The Challenge
Seeking to assess a pilot project aimed at addressing healthcare costs at a regional level, RWJF
commissioned Health Management Associates to evaluate the Total Cost of Care Phase I Pilot, identify
promising practices, and highlight critical lessons.