Burns Reports

Hawaii Waiver Rates


As part of its ongoing effort to ensure the adequacy of provider payment rates for Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) services, Hawaii Department of Health, the Developmental Disabilities Division (DDD) is conducting a comprehensive rate study for DDW services:

The Burns & Associates division of Health Management Associates (HMA-Burns) has been contracted to assist with this study. This website has been established to post materials related to this project.

DDD and HMA-Burns presented proposed rate models on July 18, 2024, and are now accepting comments on these recommendations.

The following materials are available:

  • The presentation that walks through the rate study process and summarizes key recommendations can be found here.
  • A recording of the presentation can be found here.
  • The proposed rate models with supporting appendices can be found here.

Comments will be accepted through August 16, 2024 and should be submitted to [email protected]. Commenters are encouraged to be as detailed as possible, to make specific suggestions for changes, and to provide supporting documentation.


As part of this study, HMA-Burns has developed a survey to collect data regarding providers’ service delivery designs and costs. Information collected this survey will be a key consideration in the study.

Data collected through the survey will be used solely for the purpose of conducting the rate study. HMA-Burns will not share individual provider surveys with DDD or any other party and only aggregated data will be reported.

  • The Excel-based provider survey can be found here.
  • The written survey instructions can be found here.
  • A webinar that walks through the survey can be accessed here.
  • An analysis of submitted surveys can be found here.