Weekly Roundup

April 4, 2012

In Focus:

CMS Updates Dual Eligible Integration Guidance & Timeline


California Demonstration Sites Announced, Dual Integration Proposal Released Illinois Releases MMIS, Enrollment Broker Procurements Pennsylvania New East and New West Managed Care Awards Still Pending Florida to Evaluate Shifting to DRG-Based Reimbursement System for Hospitals Colorado Launches Telehealth Initiative


March 28, 2012

In Focus:

New York Dual Eligible Integration Proposal


Site Selection for California Dual Eligible Demonstration Delayed Florida Long-Term Care Rate Book Released Georgia, New York Budgets Finalized


March 21, 2012

In Focus:

CMS Releases Final Medicaid Eligibility Rule


Florida Extends Implementation Timeline for Acute and Long-Term Care ITNS Indiana Selects Medicaid PBM Medicaid Spending Cuts Debated in Illinois CMS Comment Period for Massachusetts Dual Eligible Proposal Ends


March 14, 2012

In Focus:

Washington Dual Eligible Integration Proposal


Dual Eligible Integration Developments In New York, Colorado Georgia Medicaid Redesign Decisions Expected Late April Pennsylvania Contract Awards Still Pending


March 7, 2012

In Focus:

Michigan Dual Eligible Integration Proposal


New York to Release Dual Integration Proposal March 22 Florida Hospital Rate Cuts Finalized California Dual Integration Applications Released Texas Pharmacy Carve-In Implemented HMA Records GLG Webcast on State Budgets, MCO Expansion, and California Duals RFS


February 29, 2012

In Focus:

Ohio Dual Eligible Integration Proposal


Florida Budget nears Completion Dual Eligible Integration Activity in Michigan, Illinois, New York Pennsylvania Considers MLTC Program


February 22, 2012

In Focus:

Massachusetts Dual Eligible Integration Proposal


Illinois Releases Dual-Eligible Integration Proposal Georgia Gov. Proposes Mid-Year Medicaid Cuts Illinois Gov. Calls For $2.7B in Medicaid Cuts Pennsylvania Proposes Medicaid State Plan Amendments


February 15, 2012

In Focus:

Medicaid Budget Update – Mid-Year FY 2012, Looking to FY 2013


Florida Senate Budget Amendment Incorporates Primary Care Rate Boost
Georgia Task Forces Reviewing Medicaid Redesign Recommendations
Indiana Releases Medicaid Dental Benefits Management RFI
Pennsylvania Proposes Block Grants for Counties


February 8, 2012

In Focus:

Illinois Phase I Care Coordination Initiative RFP


Florida Senate Budget Proposal Calls for Further Inpatient Reductions
California Trailer Bill Outlines Medicaid Managed Care Expansion Plans
New York Receives CMS Approval for Health Homes
Texas UPL Hearings Underway
Pennsylvania Governor’s Budget Released
Washington Announces County Awards to Selected Managed Care Plans


February 1, 2012

In Focus:

Fourth Quarter Medicaid MCO Enrollment Trends


California Releases Dual Eligible RFS New York Contemplates EmblemHealth Conversion Florida Considers Change to IGT Rate Calculation New MLTC Plans Approved in New York
