Caprice Knapp, PhD
Managing Director, Quality and Accreditation
Health Management Associates
Salt Lake City, UT
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A health economist and evaluator, Caprice Knapp has more than 20 years’ experience working on Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in the private sector, state and federal policymaking, and academics.
In the private sector, she was the federal policy director for Molina Healthcare, Inc. In the academic realm, she was an associate professor in the Department of Health Outcomes and Policy at the University of Florida, conducting external quality review activities for Texas and Florida Medicaid and CHIP programs as well as maternal and child health research. In the policymaking arena, she worked in the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting in Colorado and the U.S. House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Committee as a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy fellow. She was the North Dakota Medicaid director from 2019 to 2022, and she currently serves on the Congressional Budget Office’s Panel of Health Advisors.
Caprice’s career has been focused on vulnerable populations, delivery system reform, and global health. Examples of her funded research topics include an assessment of Florida’s Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Grant; an evaluation of fertility-preservation decision making for adolescent girls with cancer; outcomes of concurrent models of pediatric palliative care; and an assessment of the quality, patient experiences, and costs of health and dental plans for children in Florida. Her global health projects also focus on maternal and child health and have been conducted in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America.
At the University of Florida, Caprice earned her doctorate in economics and completed postdoctoral training in health services research. She earned her master’s and bachelor’s degrees in economics from the University of South Florida. She has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed publications, 60 government reports, and two books.
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