Julie Rabinovitz
Julie Rabinovitz

Julie Rabinovitz


Health Management Associates

San Francisco, CA

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Julie Rabinovitz specializes in sexual and reproductive health policy, strategy, and operations. She assists healthcare organizations with program planning and implementation and navigating the federal and state sexual and reproductive health policy landscape. She also has expertise in fund development, strategic planning, grants management, and board governance. Julie has more than 25 years of experience in academic medical centers, Planned Parenthood affiliates, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), philanthropy, government, and associations.

Prior to joining HMA, Julie served as the president and chief executive officer of Essential Access Health, where she spent 12 years providing strategic leadership to expand the organization’s umbrella of services, including advanced clinical research, provider training, patient education and consumer, public policy, and clinic support initiatives. She led the growth of Essential Access from a $24 million annual budget to $60 million and oversaw the administration of the largest Title X family planning program in the nation—supporting more than 400 clinic sites in California and Hawaii. Under Julie’s leadership, Essential Access worked with lawmakers to pass more than 20 pieces of legislation expanding access to equitable sexual and reproductive healthcare for Californians.

Julie previously served as the senior vice president of business operations at Planned Parenthood of Illinois. Additionally, she has held important roles in several notable women’s health organizations, including program director of the Office for Women, Family and Community Programs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston; program administrator of Harvard Medical School’s Center of Excellence in Women’s Health; and legislative advocate for Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. Julie previously chaired the Board of Directors of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA) and the Family Planning Councils of America (FPCA) and has served on the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Public Health Association, the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health, and Direct Relief.

Julie earned a Master of Public Health in health management and policy from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University. She lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her family.

In her free time, Julie enjoys traveling, skiing, pickleball, and watching her sons play soccer and lacrosse.

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