Xingyi Qin
Consultant Actuary I
Health Management Associates
Phoenix, AZ
[javascript protected email address]
A seasoned and experienced actuary and manager, Xingyi Qin has worked in the healthcare insurance industry providing services to consulting, insurance and provider entities.
He joins HMA after serving as actuary director with Banner Health where he built a team dedicated to Medicare Advantage developing and executing a strategic plan, creating the actuarial and medical economic teams, and overseeing pricing and filing processes for all Medicare Advantage work and projects. In addition, this role included oversight of IBNR reporting and budgeting for all lines of business, developing and utilizing a specialized scorecard and provider incentive models and leading teams to efficiently handle regular and unexpected workloads and requests.
A longtime actuarial services leader, Xingyi has worked to incorporate actuarial expertise and services into strategic plans, provide competitor analysis, improve teams, and streamline workflows. He’s also developed and monitored medical cost trend data, supported financial planning and developed data-driven analytics. In addition to extensive Medicare Advantage experience, he also performed rate reviews in multiple states, managed cost-sharing reduction projects and developed and maintained the claim re-adjudication model all within the commercial exchange space.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in actuarial science and applied statistics from Purdue University.