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Brief & Report

Total Cost of Care Regional Initiative Phase 1 Evaluation Complete


With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Health Management Associates (HMA) recently conducted a qualitative evaluation of Phase 1 of the RWJF Total Cost of Care and Resource Use (TCOC) pilot. The TCOC framework, developed by HealthPartners and endorsed by the National Quality Forum (NQF), is an analytical tool that measures cost and resource use for virtually all care used by individuals. According to HealthPartners, TCOC is designed to “support affordability initiatives, to identify instances of overuse and inefficiency, and to highlight cost-saving opportunities.”

In 2013 the RWJF funded five regional health care improvement collaboratives (RHICs) to measure TCOC using multi-payer commercial data, engage stakeholders, publicly report the measures associated with primary care physician practices or groups by December 2014, and work collaboratively with each other. RWJF also funded the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI) to lead and coordinate this effort to test a standardized TCOC approach in multiple regions and establish national benchmarks for cross-regional analysis.

The initial 18-month grants (11/1/2013 – 4/30/2015) constituted Phase 1 of the pilot; in spring 2015, RWJF awarded these grantees and up to three additional regions Phase 2 funding to continue and expand their efforts. The objectives of HMA’s evaluation were to assess the RHICs’ early experiences with a collaborative approach to a standardized TCOC framework, and to identify promising practices and critical lessons for other community collaboratives, policymakers, funders, and stakeholders.

To learn about the key accomplishments, challenges and other lessons learned, download the complete report below.


Webinar Replay: Sustainable Funding for Asthma-Related Home Interventions

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On September 15, 2015, HMA Information Services hosted the webinar, “Sustainable Funding for Asthma-Related Home Interventions.”

Home interventions aimed at eliminating key drivers of asthma attacks like mold, dust, pests and tobacco smoke can improve the lives of those with asthma and dramatically reduce the cost of this chronic disease. Unfortunately, not all asthma-related home interventions are reimbursed by payers, despite the well-documented return on investment. During this webinar, HMA Managing Principals Jack Meyer and Mike Nardone, and Ruth Ann Norton, president and CEO, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative, outlined how to make the business case for asthma-related home interventions and build a sustainable stream of funding for those initiatives.

Listen to the recording and:

  • Learn how to obtain coverage of asthma-related home interventions by working with Medicaid through a variety of mechanisms, including targeted case management, state plan amendments, innovation grants and 1115 waivers.
  • Assess the cost savings potential of asthma home visits, including reductions in emergency care, hospitalizations and school and work absenteeism.
  • Understand the various payment models and how they might be leveraged to fund asthma-related home interventions, including fee-for-service, fixed fee per visit and bundled payments.
  • Find out how to make the business case for asthma-related home interventions to Medicaid managed care plans, with an emphasis on improving outcomes and lowering the cost of chronic disease.
  • Understand the importance of in-depth community needs assessments in making the business case for asthma-related home interventions.

The slide deck for this webinar can be retrieved by clicking the “DOWNLOAD” button below.


Webinar Replay: Medicaid Network Adequacy

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On August 26, 2015, HMA Information Services hosted the webinar, “Medicaid Network Adequacy: A Proactive Approach to Ensuring and Demonstrating Compliance.”

Health Management Associates Principal Karen Brodsky (who previously oversaw managed care contracting for the state of New Jersey), discussed the warning signs state regulators look for when assessing the adequacy of a Medicaid managed care plan’s network. She also outlined some practical ways plans can get out in front of these potential problems – not only demonstrating compliance to regulators but also improving access and satisfaction for members.

Listen to the recording and:

  • Identify the warning signs of potential network adequacy issues and proactively fix problems before they affect member access and spark Medicaid agency inquiries.
  • Understand which provider network access triggers are directly connected to access issues and which may not be related to network problems, yet still raise network compliance concerns.
  • Assess the viability of partnerships with community groups to satisfy demand for providers that meet the needs of members with special needs.
  • Improve communications with state agencies, providers, advocates and community-based organizations about the status of the provider network and how to work with the health plan if there is an access problem.

The slide deck for this webinar can be retrieved by clicking the “DOWNLOAD” button below.