
Webinar replay: connecting community partners to improve transitions of care

This webinar was held on June 15, 2023. HMA’s webinar series, 1115 Medicaid Justice Demonstration Waivers: Bridging Healthcare, focused on helping stakeholders optimize the continuity of care for persons in carceral settings and during their transition back to the community. Part 3 focused on optimizing key partnerships before, during and after transition from a carceral … Read More

Webinar replay: using 1115 justice waivers to improve carceral healthcare delivery information

This webinar was held on May 18, 2023. HMA’s five-part 1115 Justice Waivers: Building Bridges of Health for Persons Leaving Carceral Settings webinar series is designed to help plans and other stakeholders improve the long-term health outcomes of individuals leaving carceral settings. This webinar focused on the carceral settings operational healthcare practices, including intake screenings … Read More

Webinar replay: industry-specific outreach and education for reducing overdose deaths

This webinar was held on October 25, 2022.  Industry stakeholders are non-traditional partners who can be effective in supporting and expanding opioid overdose prevention efforts. During this webinar, attendees heard about one state’s experience using data to identify and target stakeholders in high-risk industries, including construction and food services. We shared a framework for industry-specific … Read More

Webinar replay: community response teams- reducing overdose deaths and addressing stigma

This webinar was held on October 18, 2022.  Community Response Teams are vital cross-sector, data driven, community-based collective action initiatives that address the local opioid crisis through harm reduction education, Naloxone distribution, and data. During this webinar, HMA speakers addressed the rationale, framework, funding, and implementation of successful initiatives that serve as models for other … Read More