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Brief & Report

Report Evaluates Uncompensated Care and Medicaid Payments in Texas Hospitals


HMA was engaged by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to perform an independent evaluation of Texas’ Uncompensated Care Pool, as required under the Special Terms and Conditions (STCs) of the State’s Section 1115 waiver, to submit to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The report was submitted to CMS on August 31st.

Consistent with the approach it has taken in other states that operate uncompensated care pools, CMS required Texas to commission a detailed analysis of the state’s uncompensated care costs, payments and the impact of environmental factors and potential policy changes. Pursuant to the waiver Special Terms and Conditions (STCs), the report includes the following:

  1. A detailed description of the composition of current Medicaid hospital payments.
  2. Analysis of Medicaid financing and how the non-federal match is funded.
  3. Estimated cost incurred by hospitals to provide services to Medicaid beneficiaries compared to the cost to the corresponding payments received.
  4. Estimated cost of uncompensated care provided by hospitals and the portion of uncompensated care attributed to charity care.
  5. Analysis of the adequacy of Medicaid payments in relation to cost incurred by hospitals.
  6. Analysis of Texas Medicaid payment adequacy relative to other states.[1]
  7. Assessment of recent economic and environmental trends within Texas that may impact future reimbursement levels and the cost of caring for low-income populations.
  8. Estimated financial impact of: 1) implementing a Medicaid expansion for low-income adults; 2) Medicaid DSH reductions required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA); 3) reestablishing supplemental upper payment limit (UPL) payments; and 4) fully funding Medicaid hospital costs through payment rates.

[1] Note that this portion of the analysis and report were completed by Deloitte Consulting.


Illinois Releases Draft 1115 Waiver for Behavioral Health Redesign

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This week, we reviewed the draft Section 1115 Research and Demonstration waiver, released on August 26, 2016, by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (DHFS). The 1115 waiver is proposed as part of the state’s broader initiatives around the State Innovation Model (SIM) design grant awards, the State Health Assessment (SHA), and the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP), with goals of strengthening the state’s behavioral health care system, reducing silos in behavioral health care, and promoting greater integration of physical and behavioral health. The waiver specifically proposes the inclusion of a package of new benefits for individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) and substance use disorders (SUD), as well individuals nearing release from the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) and Cook County Jail systems. DHFS estimates $1.2 billion in federal savings over the five-year waiver term, equaling a 2 percent spending reduction across all Medicaid spending compared to without-waiver spending estimates. DHFS is accepting comments on the draft 1115 waiver through September 26, 2016.

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Webinar Replay: Physician Perspectives on Using Telemedicine to Address the Shortage of Mental Health Providers

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On August 25, 2016, HMA Information Services hosted the webinar, “Physician Perspectives on Using Telemedicine to Address the Shortage of Mental Health Providers.”

Telemedicine, remote patient monitoring and mobile health can increase access to care for underserved populations, especially among mental health patients where demand for services is growing despite an unprecedented shortage of providers. Telemedicine also has the potential to ease the burden facing healthcare organizations as they make the transition to care delivery payment models that stress value over volume. The most effective programs in design and implementation are the ones that utilize certain core features that will be necessary for the highly anticipated new CPT codes for integrated care.

During this webinar, HMA physicians Jean Glossa, MD, an internist; and Lori Raney, MD, a psychiatrist, discuss the impact that telemedicine and other technologies can have on improving access and care for vulnerable mental health populations. They also outline the most important elements of a telemedicine program with a special emphasis on the needs of patients and perspectives of the interdisciplinary teams serving them. Listen to the recording and:

  • Learn how telemedicine can increase access to care for vulnerable populations, especially in disciplines where provider shortages exist, such as mental health.
  • Assess various payment models for telemedicine along with how to effectively measure return-on-investment.
  • Find out why the use of telemedicine in psychiatry is growing and what this means for behavioral integration, care coordination, care quality, reimbursement and cost.
  • Understand the role telemedicine can play as the focus in healthcare shifts to managing total cost of care for patients in risk-sharing arrangements.

Prepare Now: New Codes for Integrating Primary Care and Behavioral Health

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Integrating primary care and behavioral health is a central focus in health care delivery reform for many states and payers as they work towards addressing quality and cost containment. Significant research demonstrating the effect of co-morbid behavioral health conditions on overall health outcomes, and the subsequent cost increases, has led to exploring the implementation of new models of care.

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