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Rural Health and Challenges with Health Equity

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There are 47 to 60 million people residing in rural areas in the U.S. Many rural residents must navigate healthcare system challenges people living in urban and suburban areas generally do not face. While workforce shortages, lack of consumer choice in health plans and providers, travel distance, transportation issues, social isolation, and increased inequity for people in marginalized communities do impact urban and suburban healthcare services, these issues are exacerbated in most rural communities. Developing and supporting rural health programs requires understanding the unique characteristics of rural settings and how these dynamics influence healthcare policy, providers, payers, consumers, and health equity.

Health Management Associates (HMA) brings together industry-leading policy, program, financial, community, and clinical experts to provide comprehensive solutions that make healthcare and human services work better for people living in rural and frontier areas across the country. We offer a full suite of professional health and human services consulting services to clients serving rural and frontier communities. This includes state agencies, county health departments, critical access and rural hospitals, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and rural health clinics, skilled nursing facilities, home and community-based service providers, behavioral health providers, oral health providers, and pharmacies/pharmacists. We also work with human services organizations and public health agencies, supporting their direct services, as well as assisting them in connecting with healthcare systems and providers. Our national, multisector, multisystem experience in healthcare and human services enhances our ability to support rural clients in making sustainable, positive impacts in their local communities.


Health Equity & Access for Rural Dually Eligible Individuals (HEARD) Toolkit

With funding from Arnold Ventures, HMA created the HEARD Toolkit, a robust discussion of the access challenges facing dually eligible individuals in rural areas and a portfolio of actionable solutions to address these challenges. Dually eligible individuals in rural areas reside at the intersection of a major public health crisis and a fragmented Medicaid and Medicare delivery system. They experience poor access to services and to integrated care programs (ICPs) to address their whole person needs.

HMA designed this Toolkit to help policymakers address access issue dually eligible individuals in rural areas have to navigate every day. For example, addressing access must encompass getting to a comprehensive Medicaid and Medicare services continuum that includes home- and community-based services (HBCS), as well as ICPs. A primary focus on equity can help states, local communities, payers, and providers begin to address issues of access for these very vulnerable individuals in rural communities. The Toolkit provides examples and ideas for rural providers and communities to address equity and improve services and supports for dually eligible individuals.

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For example, HMA can assist rural communities and the organizations that support their needs with:

Rural-specific workforce solutions

Programs addressing Social Determinants of Health/Health-related Social Needs

Payment system reforms

Development of integrated care programs for Dual Eligibles

Substance Use Disorder/Opioid Use Disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services

Behavioral health services and supports

Justice-involved carceral healthcare and transitions

Long-term services and supports and home and community-based services

HMA understands the multilevel challenges for delivery of quality health care and social services to rural populations. From workforce and care access issues to transportation difficulties and technology barriers, to socio-economic differences, we can help rural providers and organizations overcome challenges and achieve their goals to serve and support their communities’ needs.

Other Rural Health Project Examples:

HMA is supporting review and reform of the primary care payment environment in New Mexico working under a contract with Mercer. New Mexico’s Medicaid program had identified multiple challenges the primary care providers faced across the state, including rural sustainability and fiscal soundness. HMA’s approach includes coupling data analysis with stakeholder engagement. Our work to date includes designing, testing, and evaluating new primary care alternative payment models (APMs); fiscal, policy, and/or programmatic implementation recommendations related to the multi-payor roll-out of a primary care APM; and supporting primary care practitioners related to NM Medicaid APM implementation. Additional project work will include more provider specific analysis, recruitment for pilot testing and provide education, analysis and training for providers, health plans and state regulators.

HMA is working with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to perform a dynamic heat mapping as the first phase of a three-phase project that includes an environmental scan of home and community-based services (HCBS)/Medicaid. HMA is creating a tool that HCPF can leverage to update and track progress to close provider gaps. In subsequent work HMA will identify potential geographic regions which would benefit from reimbursement structure changes, including geographic adjustment factors to apply to preexisting fee-for-service rates or other mechanisms to effectively address identified care gaps. Based on these results, HMA will recommend strategies and best practices to expand the provider network in rural areas to avoid care deserts and assure access to services for all Medicaid members.

Over the past six years, HMA has supported tribal communities in Montana with an array of data and evaluation expertise specific to behavioral health system assessments and evaluation activities. To date, we have conducted feasibility assessments for tribes considering options to 638 their behavioral health services, evaluated high-fidelity wraparound services in tribal communities through the Montana Systems of Care program, supported efforts to discern a concept design for a joint tribally operated Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Continuum of Care, and assisted tribally operated clinics in best practices in opioid prescribing and addiction treatment.

The Georgia Health Policy Center provides technical assistance for grantees of HRSA’s Rural Health Programs. HMA created a primer and additional tools, including a webinar, designed to inform and support rural provider leadership on Value-Based Care. The primer serves as a self-paced guide helping organizations consider national trends and experiences, assess their current state and readiness, understand benefits and barriers of Value-Based Care. The primer and tools are used by the technical assistance team and rural health grantees.

HMA has worked with HSHS for over 10 years, providing a wide range of services including:

Grant surveillance related to strategic plans, project management, grant program development, and narrative writing for multiple state and federal grants including USDA, HRSA, and SAMHSA. 

Expanding access to medication assisted treatment (MAT) in emergency departments by activating a team of HMA experts to implement a global assessment of readiness to adopt MAT, create a comprehensive training curriculum, assist with development of policies, workflows and standardized orders; and provide technical assistance required to address stigma and implement change. HMA also aided in writing the successful proposal for state funding for this project.

Stakeholder engagement for a hub-and-spoke model of telehealth network, assessed strategic priorities across multiple diverse stakeholders, and developed a strategic plan for HSHS’ Wisconsin rural healthcare provider telehealth network.

Development of the Illinois Telehealth network composed of 21 rural healthcare providers across Illinois. HMA provided technical expertise on the adoption of telehealth services and the development of clinical protocols and led strategic planning efforts. The network now functions to support the members in disseminating best practices, implementing telehealth service lines, sharing clinical protocols, removing barriers, and promoting evaluation.

HMA is currently assisting HSHS’ rural behavioral health team in devising new models of community-based withdrawal management processes consistent with recent changes in Wisconsin’s regulations. HMA experts on residential substance use disorder and integrated care provide technical assistance, training, and evidence-based policy development.

HMA supported the Texas Department of Agriculture, State Office of Rural Health (SORH) by leading SORH’s three-year strategic plan and design future programs. For the needs assessment, HMA conducted a systematic assessment that included an environmental scan of rural health key issues and trends, online survey of rural Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and prospective payment systems (PPS) hospitals in Texas identify needs and gaps, and an analysis of publicly available data to identify health needs and differences between rural and urban residents. Informed by this assessment and close collaboration with SORH staff, HMA developed a strategic plan to guide the next three years of SORH’s programming, as well as created work and evaluation plans for the SORH and Flex grant programs. Other tasks included assessment of Texas rural hospital telemedicine readiness, recommendations for value-based payment models for rural hospitals, and opportunities to support rural hospitals in reducing health disparities.

Contact our experts:

Ellen Breslin

Ellen Breslin


A seasoned consultant, Ellen Breslin draws upon her nearly 30 years of experience and expertise in health policy, with a … Read more
Stephanie Denning

Stephanie Denning


Stephanie Denning has worked in healthcare and human services for more than 25 years. Her experience spans the public, non-profit, … Read more
Rebecca Kellenberger

Rebecca Kellenberg


Rebecca Kellenberg specializes in assisting public and private health care organizations with Medicaid and CHIP policy analysis and implementation. With … Read more
Jill Kemper

Jill Kemper

Associate Principal

Jill Kemper has extensive experience improving access to care and care delivery, especially for vulnerable or complex patient populations and … Read more

CMS Takes Next Major Step in Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program

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This week’s In Focus centers on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) August 29, 2023, announcement of the first 10 prescription medications that will be subject to price negotiation for Medicare coverage. This week, Health Management Association (HMA) experts offer their perspective on what this change means and what to expect next.


Medicare was granted the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which the president signed into law on August 16, 2022. HHS, acting through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), will lead negotiations and enter into agreements with manufacturers for these products, negotiating a maximum fair price (MFP) for each selected drug in the Medicare program. HHS is required to negotiate on a certain number of drugs each year: 10 drugs in 2026, 15 drugs in 2027 and 2028, and 20 drugs in 2029 and subsequent years. Up to 60 drugs could be negotiated by 2029. Manufacturers that are noncompliant will face an excise tax that could far exceed the cost of drugs sold over time and civil monetary penalties.

Medicare Drug Negotiations: The Latest Development

Since passage of the IRA, CMS has been working to establish the regulatory infrastructure and policies to support implementation of Medicare’s new drug price negotiation authority on an expedited timeline. Guidance on the approach the agency will take in negotiating MFPs, along with other provisions of the act, has been issued.

With this week’s action, CMS will begin the first round of negotiations. Table 1 lists the drugs CMS has identified for the first round of negotiations. Products selected for negotiation (with prices effective in 2026) are medications that represent the highest spending in the Part D drug benefit, excluding products with generic or biosimilar competition as well as certain orphan drugs and other products that qualify for a small biotechnology exemption.

Alongside CMS’s announcement, HHS’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released its analysis of prescription drug use and out-of-pocket spending for each of the 10 drugs for all Part D enrollees and separately by whether an enrollee receives the low-income subsidy (LIS). The report also examines demographic information about enrollees who use the selected products.


The products selected were largely in line with initial modeling that Moran Company analysts and others performed, but with some surprises. Variation from earlier projections could be expected for a number of reasons, including:

  • The June 2022−May 2023 data CMS used were not generally available to outside analysts, and it is clear that several products had spending increases (whether because of volume or price increases) relative to prior years that moved them up the list.
  • Some higher spending products have seen generic or biosimilar competitors launch, making them ineligible for selection for negotiation.
    • For the top 30 products identified in previous dashboard data, at least 10 have evidence of generic or biosimilar competition.
  • CMS’s decision to treat multiple products together for purposes of negotiations also affected the products included on the list.
  • For a few other products, it is still unclear how CMS decisions were made.

What to Expect Next

The drug negotiation policy is highly controversial and is the subject of litigation that could delay the process. If litigation does not affect the timeline for implementation, manufacturers of selected drugs have until October 1 to agree to negotiate and provide initial information to CMS. If a manufacturer opts out of the negotiations, the company must pay either an excise tax or withdraw all its products from the Medicare and Medicaid programs. CMS and participating companies will then meet to discuss manufacturer submissions, and CMS will receive information from other stakeholders. Several listening sessions will take place.

CMS will make initial price offers by February 1, 2024. After a counteroffer process, negotiations may continue into the summer of 2024, but final determinations will be made by August 1, 2024. CMS plans to publish any agreed-upon negotiated prices for the selected drugs by September 1, 2024. Those prices take effect starting January 1, 2026.

In addition to the short-term impact on prices for specific drugs, several questions about the potential effects of the policy are worth monitoring over the long-term:

  • How will research and development of new products and trends in the type of products prioritized change as a result of these policies?
  • How will the policies affect pricing for competitor products and the launch prices of products in the future?
  • Beyond the Medicare population, for whom the prices are directly applicable, how will MFPs affect negotiations on costs and supplemental rebates for other payers. including state Medicaid programs, state employee programs, drug purchasing pools, and commercial insurers?
  • Will negotiations affect the design of standalone Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs) and Medicare Advantage PDPs.

The IRA included several other changes to the Medicare program, which we discussed in a previous In Focus.


HMA recognizes unseen populations on International Overdose Awareness Day 2023 

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In honor of International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), August 31, 2023, we take time to pause and reflect on this year’s theme of “recognizing those people who go unseen.” HMA stands with those affected by overdose and promotes an ecological approach to addressing substance use, one that acknowledges the many facets of the crisis that leads to approximately 300 overdose deaths every day in the United States.  

We recognize that many Americans experience the repercussions of overdose in ways that are often unseen: friends and family members who act as first responders by reversing an overdose with naloxone; seniors and older adults experiencing addiction; pregnant and parenting people who use drugs and/or medications for opioid use disorder; those who are often unable to access resources due to structural barriers such as homelessness or those living in rural and frontier communities; and, the justice-involved population, who serve as a salient example and often go unseen. Research has confirmed that overdose is the leading cause of death among people leaving carceral settings, as well as the third leading cause of deaths in custody in U.S. jails.  

We also recognize that many of the racial disparities in U.S. overdose deaths are unseen and underrepresented in national dialogue about the crisis. At a time when people of color are dying at a higher rate than non-Hispanic White people, the International Overdose Awareness Day theme of recognizing those unseen is timely, and apt. Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native people had the highest drug overdose death rates in both 2020 and 2021. Rates of overdose among Black or African American men outpace other groups. Racial disparities extend beyond overdose fatality rates and into the broader substance use disorder continuum of care. People of color are offered medications for opioid use disorder at a rate almost 50% lower than non-Hispanic White people, and the duration of their treatment tends to be shorter; ultimately leading to increased risk of returning to use. These statistics only reinforce the need for an expanded, comprehensive, and equity-centered approach to care

Finally, we recognize that the overdose landscape is developing unseen changes, as overdose deaths involving psychostimulants such as methamphetamine are increasing with and without synthetic opioid involvement. Polysubstance use is the norm, not the exception. The healthcare sector must broaden and expand services to meet the current needs, including incorporating harm reduction strategies for stimulants, especially in states with high concentrations of deaths such as Nevada, West Virginia, Maine, and among non-Hispanic American Indians or Alaskan Natives.  

HMA honors the often-unseen work and expertise of those leading advances in the field including peers, public health professionals, people who use drugs, and friends and family who become first responders. In remembrance of those impacted by overdose, our call to action is to honor unseen populations affected by this crisis, to elevate existing work by and for these communities, and to continuously seek innovative approaches that ensure we carry everyone forward into a responsive system of care.  

Someone you know or may have seen may be struggling with addiction. Help is always available. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers free, confidential, and 24/7 support in both English and Spanish at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). 

For more information on HMA overdose prevention services, visit HMA’s Behavioral Health page.


Digital innovation to be a featured topic at 2023 HMA fall conference

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Advancements in digital health and data technology have made for rapid and remarkable transformation of the healthcare landscape. From wearable devices to mobile health apps to telemedicine platforms, the integration of digital solutions and patient data is disrupting every facet of healthcare – to say nothing of the AI revolution that has only just begun. While this innovation is exciting and meaningful, it still has runway to truly deliver “better, cheaper, faster” for patients. These innovations and others will be featured at Health Management Associates annual fall conference, being held October 30-31, 2023.

Digital innovation has graduated from its “experimentation/compliance” phase and is now in its “expectation of results” phase. Healthcare payers and providers should incorporate digital into core payment and delivery strategies to deliver better outcomes and a better care experience at a most efficient cost. Health data management is creating more efficient platforms to provide the right care at the right time to the right patient. Federal policy programs like the 21st Century Cures Act, and CMS Interoperability and Patient Access rule have opened the door for providers, payers, and applications to make better use of health information, with patients more in control. 

While this level of innovation is exciting anywhere, it is particularly exciting to see how it is enabling improvements in publicly funded healthcare programs to deliver more effective care. HMA consultants are leading conversations and presentations on how digital innovation is driving change in Medicare, Medicaid, and state marketplaces. 

Key Sessions (full agenda and panelists here)

The Dynamic World of Publicly Sponsored Health Care: Trends and Innovations: Learn about new payment models, quality and equity initiatives, new products and services, workforce, likely policy initiatives, and new ways of reaching and serving members. (Monday 9:15-10:30am plenary session)

Digital Health, Interoperability, and Information Sharing: From Compliance to Innovation: Discover how early adopters will show how they have moved from compliance to innovation by embracing data sharing, FHIR APIs, and third-party applications using real-time data. (Monday 1:30-3:00pm breakout session)

The Pitch: Innovative and Potentially Disruptive Models in Care DeliveryHear the latest innovations in care delivery models and will also gain an understanding of how to best approach managed care partners when considering value-based contracting or other network arrangements. (Monday 3:30-5:00pm breakout session)

Behavioral Health System Redesign: Learn why federal and state governments and the healthcare delivery system must collaborate in new and innovative ways to meet the rapidly growing demand for a more integrated behavioral health system (Sunday preconference, this session and others running 1pm – 5pm)

To learn more about HMA’s work in the digital innovation space, please contact Stuart Venzke in HMA’s IT Advisory Services, or Ryan Howells who leads digital health work for HMA/Leavitt Partners’ DC practice.


Webinar replay: Behavioral health: moving access to care and network adequacy into the 21st century

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This webinar was held on September 7, 2023.

States, counties, health plans, and providers are asking how to meet the growing demand for behavioral health (BH) services. HMA teamed with experts to discuss these challenges at our recent Quality Conference where we crowdsourced ideas for how to redefine and measure network adequacy, examining provider selection, community need, and measurement.

This webinar reconvened those panelists to continue this critical conversation, shared feedback on factors that lead to “adequate” provider capacity, and discussed the impact of new federal network adequacy standards.

The conversation won’t stop with this webinar. We’ll use our continuously crowdsourced information and material for our BH workshop on Oct. 29, (the day prior to the start of the 2023 HMA Conference), making the connection between how large system reform in BH will shape how we think about network adequacy. We hope you’ll join us.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand widely varying state standards for BH network adequacy and metrics — and validity concerns about how provider volume is assessed.
  • Consider the true impact of BH provider shortage on care. (Reality check: we do not have enough BH providers and will not catch up at the current rate of training.)
  • Learn about treatment engagement challenges and the need to establish criteria for discharge or discontinuation of treatment.
  • Understand how extending BH workforce capacity with peer networks might ease shortage concerns.
  • Hear about Delaware’s challenges and innovations to build an end-to-end ecosystem of care, shifting toward a journey rather than an episode of care.
  • Learn about recent federal reform and new standards around network adequacy.


Nazlim Hagmann, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President and Associate Chief Medical Officer, Commonwealth Care Alliance 

Rhonda Robinson Beale, MD
Senior Vice President and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealth Group

Claire Wang, MD, ScD
Associate Deputy Director, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Delaware State Department of Health and Social Services


CMS continues to rollout new initiatives, what to watch for in the fall

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In this week’s In Focus, we continue our review of Medicare developments from this summer and look ahead at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) activities to watch for this fall.

CMS ACO Strategy Update

In a July 31, 2023, Health Affairs Forefront blog, CMS leaders outlined the agency’s plan to further accelerate the growth and accessibility of accountable care organizations (ACOs), especially for beneficiaries in rural and underserved areas. The article signals the agency’s continued commitment to increasing participation in ACOs and future policy and model initiatives that CMS could undertake to achieve those goals.

In particular, the CMS Innovation Center is considering testing models and features to support Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACOs in increasing investments in primary care. This initiative might include piloting ACO-based primary care models that provide prospective payments in an effort to reduce reliance on fee-for-service (FFS), support innovations in care delivery, and increase access to advanced primary care in underserved communities.

CMS leaders point to a second component of its ACO strategy in the calendar year (CY) 2024 proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) rule. The proposed PFS includes technical updates to the Advance Investment Payment (AIP), which provides financial support for providers who participate in the MSSP. The proposed PFS rule also includes several opportunities for the public to inform CMS’s ongoing ACO work, including considerations for adding higher-risk participation options in the MSSP, ways to better support collaboration between ACOs and community-based organizations to meet health-related social needs, and other initiatives. HMA discussed the PFS changes in an earlier In Focus.

CMS also announced refinements to the ACO Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) Model on August 18. The agency’s three goals in making these changes are to:

  • Increase predictability for model participants (e.g., policies to change certain beneficiary alignment requirements and refinements to eligibility criteria for high-need ACOs
  • Protect against inappropriate risk score growth (e.g., revisions to the risk-adjustment methodology)
  • Advance health equity (e.g., revisions and expansions to the health equity benchmark adjustment)

These topics are of importance to CMS across its model portfolio and are, in part, based on experience the agency has gained in running the ACO REACH model. Below is a summary of several key policy changes that will take effect in 2024. The entire list can be found on the CMS website.

Finally, CMS released the request for applications (RFA) for the Innovation Center’s Making Care Primary (MCP) model previously announced in June. This voluntary model is scheduled to begin in June 2024 and run for 10.5 years. It will have three participation tracks that build upon previous Innovation Center primary care initiatives.

The MCP model is designed to improve care for beneficiaries by supporting the delivery of advanced primary care services. This framework provides a pathway for primary care clinicians who have varying levels of experience with value-based care to gradually adopt prospective, population-based payments while building the infrastructure to improve behavioral health and specialty integration and drive more equitable access to care. CMS is working with Medicaid agencies in eight states—Colorado, North Carolina, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Washington—to engage in full care transformation across payers, with plans to engage private payers in the coming months.

The RFA provides additional details about the model’s payment, care delivery, quality, and other policies. The application period opens September 4, 2023, and closes November 30, 2023. CMS plans to select participants in winter 2024. Onboarding for participants will take place April−July 2024.

The HMA team continues to review the RFA and is available to assist clients in determining whether this model may be a good fit as well as with assistance in submitting the application.

What to Watch

Comments on the Medicare CY payment rules (home health, end stage renal disease, physician, and outpatient hospital) are due in early fall. CMS will review the comments on each of the proposals and finalize each rule by November 1. Some stakeholders, such as physicians and home health suppliers, may seek congressional action to mitigate payment cuts that CMS has proposed.

In addition, CMS is expected to continue implementing the drug pricing related provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The agency already has released several guidance documents about the process. The list of the first 10 drugs to be negotiated is due to be published September 1, 2023, and manufacturers of selected drugs will have one month to sign agreements to participate in negotiations and provide information for CMS’s consideration in the negotiation process.

The HMA team will continue to evaluate Innovation Center opportunities, CMS payment regulations, and IRA implementation. If you have questions about these topics, contact Amy Bassano ([email protected]), Kevin Kirby ([email protected]), or Andrea Maresca ([email protected]).


Health Equity and Equity-Centered Strategic Approaches 

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There is significant and increasing demand across health and human services to address health inequities and eliminate disparities in service delivery and positive health outcomes. Organizations are asked to provide healthcare in holistic ways that recognize both individual and population-level needs.

Three areas of activity in this space include:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work to address inequities within organizations

Equitable access to care and service delivery to improve outcomes and eliminate health disparities

Community wellness and population health outcome improvement

Recent changes in federal and state policy and financing are driving equity advancement, chiefly: Executive Order 13985 to Advance Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, which paves the way for the nation’s first racial equity blueprint for federal agencies; and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) strategic pillar on health equity, including an equity framework for payment policy through 2032.  In addition, current and pending 1115 waivers from several states pay significant attention to equity by addressing social determinants of health and health related social needs. 

Illustration from the CMS framework for health equity

HMA can help organizations across the health and human service spectrum operationalize health and racial equity.

We acknowledge that to improve health and social service outcomes at individual and community levels, we need to work across sectors and enterprises. We believe embedding equity practices and strategies throughout health and human services will deliver results and develop new innovative partnerships.


Assess organizational climate, policies, practices, and impacts

Establish equity as a critical foundation of your organizational culture in a way that is apparent and transparent to staff and clients

Identify priorities to infuse equity throughout the organization

Create plans for ongoing feedback and organizational action responsive to staff and client needs

Apply population health management approaches to delivery system redesign grounded in addressing social determinants of health and health-related social needs

Strategic planning


Technical assistance


Ongoing guidance

Align organizational strategy with an actionable equity agenda

Work with leadership and staff to ensure that your organization’s activities are designed and implemented in a way that supports an equity agenda for both staff and clients

Facilitate equity workshops and build organizational capacity

Design and facilitate equity workshops to build organizational competencies, including: Equity principles and fundamentals, Equitable practice strategies, metrics, and continuous quality improvement, Cultural humility and community engagement approaches

Plan, convene, and facilitate forums for large and small groups within a workplace or system ensuring buy-in from involved parties and leadership

Establish a framework for mutual support and information sharing while integrating insights through continued learning and dialogue.

Our Services

Assessment, mitigation, and remediation

Community engagement

Equitable access and service delivery design

Stakeholder engagement and facilitation

Organizational assessment

Change management

Strategic planning and implementation

Training and technical assistance


A Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) can help organizations understand the potential impact, positive and/or negative, that a change to the delivery system may have on a facility’s existing patients and the health and wellbeing of the surrounding community.

Pivotal to any HEIA is meaningful stakeholder engagement, the format of which may vary depending on the project, and high‐quality data analysis.

HMA colleagues routinely:

Design and program online surveys

Conduct key informant interviews

Facilitate focus groups and public deliberations

Synthesize stakeholder feedback

Conduct community health needs assessments

Analyze health indicators and incidence rates in populations

Contact our experts:

Uma Ahluwalia

Uma Ahluwalia

Managing Principal

Uma Ahluwalia is a respected healthcare and human services professional with extensive experience leading key growth initiatives in demanding political … Read more
Leticia Reyes Nash

Leticia Reyes-Nash


Leticia Reyes-Nash is an accomplished, innovative executive leader with 20 years of experience leading policy advocacy, projects, and community engagement, … Read more
Charles Robbins

Charles Robbins


Charles Robbins has been transforming communities for the past three decades. His extensive community-based organization career spans healthcare, child welfare, … Read more
Maddy Shea

Madeleine (Maddy) Shea


Maddy Shea has a passion for health equity and the federal, state and local cross-sectoral expertise to guide community health … Read more
Doris Tolliver

Doris Tolliver


Doris Tolliver is a strategic thinker specializing in racial and ethnic equity, organizational effectiveness, change management, and business strategy development. She … Read more

Arizona releases Medicaid ALTCS-EPD Program RFP

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This week, our In Focus section reviews the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) Elderly and Physically Disabled (EPD) Program request for proposals (RFP), which the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) released on August 1, 2023. The ALTCS-EPD program covers 26,000 individuals, representing approximately 38 percent of the ALTCS managed care population. The remaining ALTCS members are covered under a state-run model through the Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities (DES/DDD) health plans, which provide long-term care (LTC) to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Contracts for ALTCS-EPD are worth approximately $1.6 billion and will take effect October 1, 2024.


ALTCS is one of the oldest Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs in the country, providing integrated physical health, behavioral health, and LTSS to individuals who are 65 years of age or older or who have a disability and require nursing facility level care. Beneficiaries may live in assisted living facilities or receive in-home services. The ALTCS-EPD program covers nearly all Arizonans who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare statewide. Winning managed care organizations (MCOs) also will be required to implement companion Medicare Advantage Fully Integrated D-SNPs (FIDE SNPs) effective January 1, 2025.


Members receive coverage through Banner-University Family Care, Mercy Care Plan, and UnitedHealthcare, depending on their geographic service area (GSA). MCOs will bid on all three GSAs and indicate their order of preference to be awarded. AHCCCS will not award the South GSA only or the North GSA only. At present, in the South region, Mercy Care Plan serves Pima County only. Under the new RFP, AHCCCS will not make an award specific to Pima County; rather the MCO will serve all seven counties within the South GSA.

Together, the plans cover 25,973 individuals (see below).

(United and Mercy administer DDD plans.)


Intent to bid forms are due by August 31. Proposals are due October 2, and awards are expected to be announced December 13. As noted previously, implementation is scheduled to begin October 1, 2024.

RFP Link